Can you guess how many people took an EthosCE course this year?
At the end of every year we do an annual review of the volume of activity in our clients’ EthosCE installs. 2016 was a great year, we are up to 55 active EthosCE learning management installs and more are launching every month.
Here are some statistics from our clients and their busy healthcare practitioners in EthosCE:
230,000 EthosCE user accounts created in 2016.
11,000 new EthosCE e-learning activities created in 2016.
1,200,000 new EthosCE course enrollments in 2016.
800,000 EthosCE course completions in 2016.
All that educational activity helps make EthosCE a great fit for healthcare continuing education providers. If there’s a CME, CNE, CPE or other continuing education activity you need to deliver, chances are that we’ve seen something just like it before or helped a customer make it happen.