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All Things Health 2.0 - EthosCE

All Things Health 2.0

GSK launches ‘More than Medicine’ corporate blog – GlaxoSmithKline announced the launch of a corporate blog for the US, titled More than Medicine. The blog went live last January.Topics covered so far range from healthcare policy news and GSK financial reports, to relieving stress and avoiding sunburn. According to a statement on the blog, its goal is to “encourage an open, productive discussion about a range of topics related to the US healthcare system and how it can be improved.”

iPhone app to boost level of care for Crohn’s – Medical Marketing and Media – Patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis can purchase a new iPhone application to keep an accurate record of their symptoms, and transfer the information to doctors.

Webcast Your Brain Surgery? Hospitals See Marketing Tool – NYTimes.com – Faced with economic pressures and patients with abundant choices, hospitals are using unconventional, even audacious, ways of connecting directly with the public. Seeking to attract or educate patients, entice donors, gain recognition and recruit or retain top doctors, hospitals are using Twitter from operating rooms, showing surgery on YouTube and having patients blog about their procedures.

Lance Armstrong Foundation: LIVESTRONG Podcast Series – LIVESTRONG: A Podcast Series for Young Adults with Cancer is a reminder that you are not alone in your fight against cancer. Hear firsthand from other adolescent and young adult cancer survivors as they share their experiences and advice about a wide variety of cancer-related issues and concerns. Each episode focuses on a specific topic you need to know to live life on your own terms, no matter where you are in your cancer experience.

