Is Your CME Course Hosting Platform Slowly Killing Your CE Program?
Course content and learner engagement are critical to keeping your CE program healthy and growing. You know that good instructors retain learners and that satisfied learners are more likely to enroll in future courses. But your CE course hosting platform might be standing in the way of program growth.
What are signs that your course hosting platform is causing problems? How can you implement solutions that will make a real difference? There are certain areas where older, outdated CE course management software could be costing you enrollments, learner retention, and program growth.
Your CE Course Hosting Platform Is Too Inflexible
Have your courses been the same year after year? Some CE courses in some fields are so basic that their material doesn’t change over time, but that’s not the case for most programs. Your course hosting platform might be too inflexible to accommodate new types of content, including video and interactive lessons.
EthosCE offers a flexible, intuitive, and easy-to-use interface that allows instructors to quickly embed rich media and change course content. You can also easily embed ebooks or links to course texts, videos, audio material, and assessments.
Your Course Hosting Platform Is Difficult to Use
You may be using a platform that is difficult for instructors and learners to use. Non-intuitive course hosting software can pose significant challenges for instructors, and if learners can’t navigate their courses, their engagement will suffer.
According to eLearning Magazine, the top barrier for online learners is a lack of tech experience. Many people are reluctant to combine learning new CE course material with learning how to use a learning management system. EthosCE helps solve this problem with its intuitive interface.
EthosCE has an easy-to-use system that supports better learner engagement, strong instructor involvement, and improved course quality. For example, instructors can quickly set up messages that orient learners to their course progress, and provide reminders to complete learning and assessment tasks.
The Course Hosting Platform Doesn’t Support Automated Functions
CE directors can easily get tied up in repetitive administrative tasks, leaving little time for building programs, retaining learners, and achieving desired performance milestones.
EthosCE has many automated administrative functions that can help you save time, so you can work on tasks that will help your program grow. For example, you can automate the mapping of CE credit types to certificates, as well as enrollment and drag-and-drop course elements and learning groups. The interface is completely intuitive: no programming knowledge is necessary to use EthosCE. You can quickly automate your course offerings, course listings, and change course start dates.
The Course Hosting Platform Doesn’t Support the Assessments and Content You Need
Instructors need easy-to-use assessment tools and the ability to structure their courses using all available types of content. You want your instructors to have efficient courses with a well-designed workflow. Outdated management systems often don’t support importing materials on a whole-course basis or with elements.
It takes a significant amount of time for instructors to create tests, quizzes, or assignments. Using good assessment strategies is also time-consuming. An outdated course management system that doesn’t support course and assessment import will either waste the instructor’s time when they try to recreate assessments and assignments or be full of errors from the repetitive manual work of retyping questions and answers or re-copying assignments.
EthosCE supports SCORM and Tin Can course imports. Your instructors can create test banks and include content created with Articulate, Adobe Presenter, and Captivate. Instructors can easily create videos, upload audio, or combine in-person and at-home/online education.
EthosCE Will Help Your CE Program Thrive
EthosCE supports CE program learner retention and growth in all phases of its design and operation. It helps administrators move beyond repetitive manual tasks to focus on analyzing their courses through robust reports and improving instructor performance. With EthosCE’s branding ability, CE providers can create dynamic courses that are easy for learners to use and reflect the desired branding for their programs.
Continuing education management software isn’t the only area of software where outdated platforms and ineffective design have potentially held back program growth. As a CE director, you should always consider the benefits that well-designed software can have for your program.
Is an outdated course hosting platform slowly killing your CE program? Take a tour of EthosCE, and find out how it can help you grow your program and build success.
To learn how EthosCE can enhance the continuing education of your medical professionals, request a free 1-on-1 demo with one of our specialists today!